
data warehouse

Date Dimension Table in Postgres

by CK Tan

One of the first dimension tables required for any Data Warehouse project is the Date Dimension table. See Calendar Date Dimensions @kimballgroup.

We want our date dimension table to look like this:

Column             | Type | Description 
------------------ | ---- | ----------- 
date_key           | int  | A number corresponding to the date. e.g. 20150315. 
date               | date | SQL date. 
y                  | int  | Year in number, e.g. 2015. 
m                  | int  | Month in number (1..12). 
d                  | int  | Day of month (1..31). 
q                  | int  | Quarter (1..4). 
h                  | int  | First / second half of year (1 or 2). 
dow                | int  | Day of week (1..7). 
doy                | int  | Day of year (1..366). 
yow                | int  | Year of week.
                   |      |  Can be different from y only during first week of the year. 
woy                | int  | Week of year (1..52).
                   |      | Note: first few days of the year may be week 52 of last year. 
doe                | int  | Day of epoch, a serial number. 
woe                | int  | Week of epoch, a serial number. 
moe                | int  | Month of epoch, a serial number. 
yoe                | int  | Year of epoch, a serial number. 
is_weekday         | bool | True if Mon..Fri. 
is_weekend         | bool | True if Sat..Sun. 
first_date_of_week | date | Date of Monday of this week. 
last_date_of_week  | date | Date of Sunday of this week. 
yw                 | text | e.g. 2015-W5 for week 5 of 2015. 
ym                 | text | e.g. 2015-12 for December 2015. 
yq                 | text | e.g. 2015-Q4 for Q4 of 2015. 
is_holiday         | bool | Holiday indicator.

The SQL statement follows. A few things to note:

  • You can edit section DR1 to set the starting date and the range of your date dimension. In the code below, we start generating dates from year 2000 through 2030.
  • A week starts from Monday (1) and ends on Sunday (7).
  • The first week of the year usually belongs to the previous year. For example, on January 1, 2000, the year-of-week is 1999, and the week-of-year is 52.
  • You should add columns to this table to mark special dates such as holidays and significant events of the company.
create table datedim as
DR1 as (
    -- You can change the range here!
    -- epoch starting 2000-01-03, for 30 years
    -- must start on a Monday and end on a Sunday to avoid partial week
    select n,
       '2000-01-03'::date as first_date,
       '2000-01-03'::date + n as date
       from generate_series(0, '2031-01-05'::date - '2000-01-03') n
DR2 as (
    select *,
        extract(dow from first_date) as day_of_first_date,
        (date - first_date) + 1 as doe,
        extract(year from date)::int - 2000 + 1 as yoe,
        extract(week from date)::int as woy,
        extract(day from date)::int as dom,
        extract(dow from date)::int as dow,
        extract(doy from date)::int as doy, 
        extract(month from date)::int as m,
        extract(quarter from date)::int as q, 
        extract(year from date)::int as y
    from DR1
DR3 as (
    select *,
         (case when m = 1 and woy > 50 then y - 1 else y end) as yow,
         (8 - (case when day_of_first_date = 0
                    then 7 else day_of_first_date end))::int % 7 as dayoffset
    from DR2
DR4 as (
    select *,
        ((m - 1) / 6) + 1 as h,     -- half of year
        (doe - 1 - dayoffset + 7) / 7 + 1 as woe,
        (yoe - 1) * 12 + m as moe,
        (yoe - 1) * 4 + ((m - 1) / 3) + 1 as qoe,
        (1 <= dow and dow <= 5) as is_weekday,
        not (1 <= dow and dow <= 5) as is_weekend

    from DR3
MonthGroup as (
    select moe, max(date) as last_date_of_month from DR4 group by 1
WeekGroup as (
    select woe, min(date) as first_date_of_week,
           max(date) as last_date_of_week from DR4 group by 1
    to_char(date, 'YYYYMMDD')::int as date_key,
    y,                          -- year (YYYY)
    m,                          -- month (1..12)
    dom as d,                   -- day of month (1..31)
    q,                          -- quarter (1..4)
    h,              -- half (1..2)
    dow,                        -- day of week (1..7)
    doy,                        -- day of year (1..366)
    yow,                        -- year of week
    woy,                        -- week of year
    doe,                        -- day of epoch 
    DR4.woe,                    -- week of epoch,                    -- month of epoch
    yoe,                        -- year of epoch
    is_weekday,                 -- true if Mon .. Fri
    is_weekend,                 -- true if Sat or Sun 
    first_date_of_week,         -- date of Mon in week
    last_date_of_week,          -- date of Sun in week
    last_date_of_month,         -- date of last day in month
    yow||'-W'||LPAD(woy::text, '0', 2) as yw,       -- e.g.2015-W05
    to_char(date, 'yyyy-mm') as ym, -- e.g. 2015-07
    y||'-Q'||q as yq,               -- e.g. 2015-Q3
    0::bool as is_holiday
from DR4
join MonthGroup using (moe)
join WeekGroup using (woe)

-- Insert the *special date row* indicating invalid date
-- All columns are NULL except the date_key field. 

insert into datedim (date_key) values (99999999);

-- Populate holidays manually.

-- Populate other special dates manually.