New in version 16.04.
Deepgreen DB includes a new set of arbitrary precision decimal
types that are more efficient than the native postgres Numeric
type. These are the Decimal64
and Decimal128
types that have 16-digit and 34-digit precisions respectively.
After installing the Deepgreen DB bin file, execute the following commands on your Deepgreen DB host to install the decimal64 and decimal128 types and functions into the database.
% source deepgreendb/
% cd $GPHOME/share/postgresql/contrib/
% psql your-database -f pg_decimal.sql
We can now do some exercise to demonstrate the performance
characteristics of these types. The session below shows that
the simple query select avg(x), sum(2*x) from table
over a million records takes:
Conclusion: for this query, decimal64 is more than 2x faster than numeric types on Deepgreen, and 5x faster than numeric types on GPDB.
% psql test
test=# drop table if exists tt;
test=# create table tt(
ii bigint,
f64 double precision,
d64 decimal64,
d128 decimal128,
n numeric(15, 3))
distributed randomly;
test=# insert into tt
select i,
i + 0.123,
(i + 0.123)::decimal64,
(i + 0.123)::decimal128,
i + 0.123
from generate_series(1, 1000000) i;
INSERT 0 1000000
test=# \timing on
Timing is on.
test=# select count(*) from tt;
(1 row)
Time: 16.929 ms
test=# set vitesse.enable=1;
Time: 1.888 ms
test=# select avg(f64),sum(2*f64) from tt;
avg | sum
500000.62300062 | 1000001246001.24
(1 row)
Time: 22.867 ms
test=# select avg(d64),sum(2*d64) from tt;
avg | sum
500000.623 | 1000001246000.000
(1 row)
Time: 37.752 ms
test=# select avg(d128),sum(2*d128) from tt;
avg | sum
500000.623 | 1000001246000.000
(1 row)
Time: 60.480 ms
test=# set vitesse.enable=1;
Time: 1.704 ms
test=# select avg(n),sum(2*n) from tt;
avg | sum
500000.623000000000 | 1000001246000.000
(1 row)
Time: 86.086 ms
test=# set vitesse.enable=0;
Time: 1.633 ms
test=# select avg(n),sum(2*n) from tt;
avg | sum
500000.623000000000 | 1000001246000.000
(1 row)
Time: 206.458 ms